Beagle pups being born *Update* Pictures


14 Years
Mar 10, 2008
Arh I'm at work and my husband just called to say that Sheba has had one pup so far. I have waited three years for this breeding and now I can't even be there for the birth. My husband is right there with her so I know she is in good hands, but this is her first litter and I am a little nervous. I will post pictures once I get home. Crossing fingers all goes well.


Three pups, one boy and two girls. Mom and babies are doing great. Sheba wasn't sure what to do with them at first and my husband put them under a heat lamp since she was sitting in the corner looking stumped. Luckily my awesome boss let me leave at 11am yesterday. I sat in the kennel with her, got her to lay down near the pups and put one on a teat and she was like "oh so that's what I have to do". She is really a great mom very careful when she lays down and makes sure they are close to her. Now lets see if I can get the pictures to post. Only my snapfish account works here at work.

Little boy

Girl one

Girl two
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That seems to be the way things go... we love them and dote on them... waiting for this one moment, and we miss it!

Congrats on your first little pup. Looking forward to those pictures!
How cute! What made you decide to breed your dog? Is she into hunting, agility, showing, herding, or any other reasons? I can't wait for pics!
I use my girl to hunt the little critters that are always running around the farm. She does better than the cat. And she goes salt water fishing with my husband and I. I also have the father and he is a Therapeutic dog at a couple of nursing homes and adolscent homes for troubled youth. He was never into the whole hunting and getting wet thing, but loves people. He brings alot of smiles to people.

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