Beak Deformity (Underbite and Straight Lower Beak)


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2021
This is my princess Fatima. I was wondering if anyone has experience with deformities such as this. For the most part she can eat fine, but she can’t peck like normal. Kinda makes me laugh and feel sad at the same time.
Yes, we have a rooster like this, although he wasn't born with it, the top part was broken off in a fight with another rooster. He got around fine, it didn't grow back exactly the same (it was a bit shorter than before) he just looked a bit funny
I have the same problem with one of the Black Australorp chicks I got in June. I didn't notice it until a few days ago and the lower part is about 1/4 to 3/8" longer than the upper beak. She is still eating but I did nip off a bit of it 3 days ago and did the emery board thing a bit last night. I'm hoping to slowly get it back to the same length as the upper beak though I don't know if that is possible.

I fear this is going to be a life long (hers, not mine) task.

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