Beak filing?

I honestly dont know what to do... i have to fly somewhere from thursday to Sunday night and wont be home at all.
If i can do it tomorrow once and thursday twice would that be good?
i am panicking right now because I really cant kill her and I don’t want to be the reason she dies
with all of her symptoms is tube feeding going to work though
Who can say? If her ailment, whatever it is, just needs a little food and energy to get over, it will. I have had to tube feed birds that just suddenly seemed to forget how to eat and they bounced back, and just recently I tried to nurse an old hen back to health by tube feeding to no avail, as she had some kind of gizzard cancer and there was no saving her.
The point is, it wouldn't hurt to try! Do you live alone? Tube feeding a chicken isn't difficult, even an older child can do it if you show them how. I have been tube feeding even tiny birds since I was 12.
Ideally, you should get some of this in her if you can. Guardian angel by the "bird care company." It's something I reccommend any bird-owner keep in the cabinet! It's a great support for sick birds, but won't cure illness, just slow down their decline or stabilize them. If you can't, then use a multivitamin. You can also give unsweetened cultured yogurt or apple-cider vinegar to help get your bird's stomach flora back into working order.
is it at stores or is it only online?
since i want to do it tomorrow, i dont know if i can get it so i should get yogurt, acv, and some vitamins mixed together?
If she doesn't make it, don't blame yourself for not knowing the answer. It doesn't feel good to lose a friend, but clearly you care, and you're trying. If she doesn't survive, it's not because you thought 'So what, I don't care' and did nothing. You're doing everything you can, but the fact of life is that you're only one human and your tools are limited. Not even the most skilled of vets save every animal no matter how hard they try.
Just doing your best for your bird is enough, it's more than most will do, and even if this time isn't successful you will be a little smarter and a little more ready next time.
Who can say? If her ailment, whatever it is, just needs a little food and energy to get over, it will. I have had to tube feed birds that just suddenly seemed to forget how to eat and they bounced back, and just recently I tried to nurse an old hen back to health by tube feeding to no avail, as she had some kind of gizzard cancer and there was no saving her.
The point is, it wouldn't hurt to try! Do you live alone? Tube feeding a chicken isn't difficult, even an older child can do it if you show them how. I have been tube feeding even tiny birds since I was 12.
thank you for that.. i will still try but i am scared that i will kill her. I do have someone who can help me. I know that those who live with me are completely too scared to tube feed and no matter what will say no.
I know this isn’t smart but for the past days i have been using a dropper filled with electrolytes and giving them to her but i will try tube feeding.
is it at stores or is it only online?
since i want to do it tomorrow, i dont know if i can get it so i should get yogurt, acv, and some vitamins mixed together?
Aside from the guardian angel, all of those things are easy to get at the store! You can sometimes find guardian angel at pet stores, but it's a crapshoot whether they will have it or not. Let's see if we can get @ButtonBag in here; they ordered it from somewhere that got it over the next day.
thank you for that.. i will still try but i am scared that i will kill her. I do have someone who can help me. I know that those who live with me are completely too scared to tube feed and no matter what will say no.
I know this isn’t smart but for the past days i have been using a dropper filled with electrolytes and giving them to her but i will try tube feeding.
You can give them liquid foods with an eyedropper, a little at a time with time in between to swallow. Coconut cream is good for that, it's very high calorie in an emergency. If you can have your family giving her liquid food like coconut cream and yogurt with an eye dropper until you get back, that could be enough to start her eating.
If she doesn't make it, don't blame yourself for not knowing the answer. It doesn't feel good to lose a friend, but clearly you care, and you're trying. If she doesn't survive, it's not because you thought 'So what, I don't care' and did nothing. You're doing everything you can, but the fact of life is that you're only one human and your tools are limited. Not even the most skilled of vets save every animal no matter how hard they try.
Just doing your best for your bird is enough, it's more than most will do, and even if this time isn't successful you will be a little smarter and a little more ready next time.
Thank you for that.. it does mean a lot. I have two three year old girls and besides that all of my other chickens are older So recently i have already had to deal with two deaths. I have another one with what seems like a tumor and more with health issues and it is starting to pile up. I will ask my family to do this and i am not sure what their answer will be but i will see About the dropper.
I will get all of that stuff tomorrow and will try to tube feed her. Thank you for all of the help and i will keep you updated.
Thank you for that.. it does mean a lot. I have two three year old girls and besides that all of my other chickens are older So recently i have already had to deal with two deaths. I have another one with what seems like a tumor and more with health issues and it is starting to pile up. I will ask my family to do this and i am not sure what their answer will be but i will see About the dropper.
As long as you look where your tube is going and use something thicker than water, you will be ok to tube feed!
If you can't do it, and can't find someone, even a neighbor or stranger, who will hand-feed your bird while you are away, it wouldn't be the right thing to leave her to painfully starve. It would be kinder to euthanize.

Believe me, I absolutely hate culling the birds. HATE IT. I go through great lengths to give them the best possible outcome, even though it hurts, I have to think of the bird. I cry like a baby every time, but it has to be done. If you can't be there for her all day, it would be a kindness.

I just recently updated my method in euthanasia by helium, if you are searching for the least violent way possible, but if you aren't going to be able to arrange care for your bird or delay your travel, then you're going to have to look it in the face.

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