Beak genetics


5 Years
Oct 2, 2014
Ottawa, On
I'm wondering a bit about the genetics of beaks.

I got some chicks a while back and I only have one hen of that type (ameraucana) and I would like to breed her to one of my Maran roosters to try and get some olive eggers/ee. However this hen has a crooked beak. When she was little she didn't have it, but at about 2 months old her beak all of a sudden was growing crooked. I don't know if it's genetic or if it's a physical injury. However I would like to know if people think this is genetically linked, and if so is it something that's likely to be passed along if I bred her?

Here are some pics - she's on the right:




That's probably a safer bet eh? It's a bit of a bummer, she's really nice except for the beak. I'll definitely keep her in my flock, but I'll scratch her from any future breeding. I'll try and maybe do the reverse then, an Ameraucana Roo over a Maran Hen.

Ameraucanas are actually very difficult to get (pure) around here, most are EE/mixes. I'm okay for now thought, but I'd have to go to a show or import hatching eggs from a reputable breeder to be 100% sure of what I'm getting.

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