Bear problem

I wonder if he will move on after a few days since his food source is gone.
I would leave some feed(that's what it's really after) in the coop and the bacon on the hot wire...and if you have a game cam with video, that would be great!

BTW, did you get a fence voltage tester? Not an essential part of a starter kit, but nice to have just the same.
I would definitely want one of these.
yes..but where I live we have a lot of bears. I mean a lot. Bears in town are no novelty here. we all have bear proof garbage cans or we get a visit from bylaw. Generally here, the strategy is to reduce attractants. If a bear is sticking around and doing damage then they will do something but only after you have taken all the steps you can. We have never had a problem with bears and chickens before for the most part. They have fish and fruit and walk right by the coops. The bee keepers generally have the issues. and people who don't pick their fruit. Outside city limits they might have occasional bear problems with chickens but that is fairly rare. This year tho there has been a huge increase in chicken attacks. At the feed store they have sold several electric fence systems in the last few days they were saying. The bears are hungry..and they are getting desperate. The conservation officers are currently dealing with a bear that is breaking into cars..that was in the paper this week! If the bear is injured, showing aggression to humans it would move my bear up the priority case load. In the meantime I am on my own.

I have found that every 5 or 6 years the bears are just super hungry for fresh chicken kill. They don't want garbage, fruit, nothing else. If you can get past this current fall season hopefully next year they won't be so interested in the chickens. Wishing you the best! :D
Okay this 10 mile system says it requires 3 grounding rods..10 feet apart..70 feet at least from my utilities. Um in town that isnt even possible. So now what? Do i need take it back? Soo confused. At this point i think i just need to admit defeat and rehome my birds before their inevitable slaughter.

I have only one eight foot rod and it works fine.
that's a good question, I'm not sure the answer. I will have to look into it. I just know we aren't allowed electric fencing in city limits

Fair warning, bears are tough and will hardly feel a high volt electric wire. What will make you pee your pants and forget a few minutes of your life is like licking a 9 volt for them.
Making anything bear proof is nearly impossible, your best bet is make it flat. If a bear can’t get it’s claws in a gap then he will either try to push the building down or just leave. As long as his claws can’t get a grip your coops have a chance.
While your outside please don’t forget to carry pepper spray for you too!
Oh, and any noise machine or floodlights that are motion activated are great. Or have an air horn and floodlight at the door lol.
That's why you bait it with bacon, so they use their nose and learn to stay away.

I would be careful with baiting anything for bears. Even though they will hit the wire with their nose they really won’t care that much, especially if bacon is involved. Though it might work it just seems that a treat would more lure a bear than deter. Because seriously, who doesn’t want smoky bacon wrapped chicken?

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