beard muff and tuft, with a barred look? wth kinda chicken is this?


In the Brooder
Feb 8, 2015
Ok, so we were going for ultimate variety in or flock. We got it all in one chicken.
Possible father's:
Red and green Easter egger there with green legs.
White rumpless Frizzle Arucana with tufts and yellow legs
Black Crevecoeur with black legs.

Possible mom's
Barred rock
Cuckoo maran
Gold laced wyndott
Amerucana with beard and muffs
Sicilian Butter cup
Russian Orloff
Rumpless frizzle arucana with no tufts

This guy (or girl, we don't know yet) has some crazy genes and it's mind boggling. It only has one tuft on one side, and a beard and muff on the other side. This unique bird will have aa great standing in our flock. Sweet, loving and beautiful. But what kind of chicken is it?

It's a cockerel.

From those parents, the only way to get the barring is from the barred Rock or the Cuckoo Marans. Since you don't mention any fathers having feathered legs, I'm thinking your Marans hen does. Barred hen, with non-barred roosters, gives sex link chicks. Barred birds are males (your bird), non-barred birds are females.

Were it not for the tuft, I'd say the EE is the father. But, I've never seen tufts come from EE. Now, I'm talking EE as a hatchery sourced bird. It's semantics and a lot of folks would call a bird with true Aracauna heritage but mixed with something else an EE. If that's the case, that bird could be the father. I've not researched tufted genetics much except the lethal double gene, so I'm not sure how recessive they can be.

I'm thinking the Aracauna has to be the father. White in chickens isn't so much a color as an off switch. But, it usually affects black, not red. I'd expect one parent to have a good amount of red, given the color of the bird. Another reason why I'd thought of the EE at first, the color matches way better than the Aracauna.

Can we get pics of those two roosters? What do you know about the EE's genetics? Is it a hatchery bird or ??
Thanks for responding.
We don't know much about the EE. He was a day old rescue. None of the barred rock or cuckoo maran hens have feathers on their legs, but the Arucana does. Thus furthering the conundrum.
I have no idea where the red comes from if he belongs to the barred or the cuckoo maran. I'll search for photos of dad's.
Feathered legs are dominant, so the Aracauna has to be the father if the Marans doesn't have feathered legs. Unless you have any other barred birds you didn't mention, or any other feather legged birds

Cuckoo Marans should have white skin, which is dominant. With this cockerel having yellow skin, that points to the Rock (yellow skin) being the momma.

So, I'm thinking it was the Aracauna rooster over the barred Rock hen.

Anyone else thinking this sounds like a game of Clue? "Colonel Mustard in the Library with a Candlestick"......or maybe it's just late and I need to go to bed
Definitely bedtime. No other hens. Or roosters. However, the Arucana has yellow legs too. Also doesn't explain the red, plus he has a beard and muffs which the arucana cuckoo maran and barred don't have.
But, I think that may be the best combination so far! Thanks!
Ok, so we were going for ultimate variety in or flock. We got it all in one chicken.
Possible father's:
Red and green Easter egger there with green legs.
White rumpless Frizzle Arucana with tufts and yellow legs
Black Crevecoeur with black legs.

Possible mom's
Barred rock
Cuckoo maran
Gold laced wyndott
Amerucana with beard and muffs
Sicilian Butter cup
Russian Orloff
Rumpless frizzle arucana with no tufts

This guy (or girl, we don't know yet) has some crazy genes and it's mind boggling. It only has one tuft on one side, and a beard and muff on the other side. This unique bird will have aa great standing in our flock. Sweet, loving and beautiful. But what kind of chicken is it?

This is an Araucana mix cockerel. When you breed birds with ear tufts, a 25% will die just before hatching. 50% will get ear tufts. The other 25% gets one ear tuft--that is what your bird has.

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