Bearded vs nb silkie question


5 Years
Aug 17, 2017
So far I only grew 2 bearded white silkie hens so don't know much about silkie other than basice info. About a couple months ago, I ordered bantam silkie chicks (supposedly 90+% will be bearded) from JM Hatchery which seems to be smaller hatchery concentrating on fewer breeds. So 8 1/2 weeks later, these silkies are almost as big as my 3 1/2 year old nb silkie with bigger feet. I can already tell a few roos due to prominent waddle development. Is this normal for bearded silkies compared to the nb silkies which I could not tell what they were for first 5-6 month till they laid eggs? I remember reading that nb have little to no waddle due to beard gene but no mention of size difference? Any experienced silkie grower/breeder knows the answer?
might i suggest you use the search bar as I have found a wealth of info for our Silkie (specific) learning curve over the last 1.5+ years..... We are about to try a 2nd round of broody-hatch-a-thon within the next month if all goes well.
I have been reading silkie related threads and most of them deal with just sexing silkies or color genetics. Only bearded vs nb threads I could find talked about imperfect dominance of bearded. Nothing related to the possible difference in growth rate between them.

One other thing I found from wiki is that "Almost all North American strains of the breed are bantam-sized, but in Europe the standard-sized is the original version. However, even standard Silkies are relatively small chickens, with the males weighing only four pounds (1.8 kg), and females weighing three pounds (1.36 kg).[3] The American Standard of Perfection calls for males that are 36 ounces (1 kg), and females that are 32 ounces (910 grams)".

Perhaps the breed I got is the original version but due to the prevalence of the bantam sized silkie, most of the hatchery just calls them bantam silkies even though technically they are not? That is the the only thing I can assume at this point in time without more information from other silkie growers.
So far I only grew 2 bearded white silkie hens so don't know much about silkie other than basice info. About a couple months ago, I ordered bantam silkie chicks (supposedly 90+% will be bearded) from JM Hatchery which seems to be smaller hatchery concentrating on fewer breeds. So 8 1/2 weeks later, these silkies are almost as big as my 3 1/2 year old nb silkie with bigger feet. I can already tell a few roos due to prominent waddle development. Is this normal for bearded silkies compared to the nb silkies which I could not tell what they were for first 5-6 month till they laid eggs? I remember reading that nb have little to no waddle due to beard gene but no mention of size difference? Any experienced silkie grower/breeder knows the answer?
I have raised both bearded and non-bearded silkies. I have never experienced any major growth rate or size difference. Between them. My neighbor’s grandchildren bought some silkies from the local farm and home store. They got as big as leghorns. After talking to the store manager and doing some of my own research. I discovered there is a growing demand for the black meat produced by silkies. So hatcheries have developed broiler silkies, to fill the niche. Maybe you have stumbled upon to some of them.
I have raised both bearded and non-bearded silkies. I have never experienced any major growth rate or size difference. Between them. My neighbor’s grandchildren bought some silkies from the local farm and home store. They got as big as leghorns. After talking to the store manager and doing some of my own research. I discovered there is a growing demand for the black meat produced by silkies. So hatcheries have developed broiler silkies, to fill the niche. Maybe you have stumbled upon to some of them.
Yup, that was my conclusion as well after more googling. The broiler silkies! Didn't even know there was such till I stumbled upon broiler silkie description from purelypoultry. One thing I noticed was very prominent waddle development even around 8 weeks. I got one that is 4 month which I thought was pullet till recently. The waddle started to get big fast and very curious compared other 2 I have left which I hope are pullets.

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