Beasts of the Night


7 Years
Okay a new follow on book.
I need characters, so do the forms to be a character.

Character name:
What there good at:

I'm Alex, one of the mains.
I'm friendly and scared, but become more and more confident.
16 years old.
...................saving history for later.
Good at being stealing, leading and other stuff......

Heres the start of the story.
My feet burn, my heart is thumping and I knew I can only run for so long, before he catches me.
Once the other characters are in, the story will continue.....
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I look behind myself, the man with the hood is still following me. Theres something different about him, he looks..................
I trip over a branch lying on the road, my bag falls to the side of me, and the man behind me grins, a smile filling his abnormal face, while he reaches for me............................................................................
I start to kick and scream. Nobody can hear you. I still keep kicking and sreaming until, crack. I had hit the mans hood off his head. Millions of scars are on his face. I try and get away from the monster as he holds me down. The man hits me in the legs and I stumble. Through his stained teeth the man grunts "Your in for hell now"....................................................................................
Character name: Sasha
Personality: Very cunning, knows how to get her way.
Age: 16
History: No one knows.
Username: LittleLady98
What there good at: Scaring people, fighting, and hunting.

Character name: Eric
Personality: Cunning, sneaky, over-protective of Sasha (his little sister).
Age: 18
History: No one knows.
Username: LittleLady98
What there good at: Scaring people, fighting, his job as a bounty hunter.
"what do you want with me' I yell out to the mysterious man.
' Oh, you will see, you must of done something to disturb R.S.T' the man says, in a monotone.
'But, I haven't done anything' I say.
"oh, you must of" says the man.
I struggle once more, this man was not taking me somewhere.
At the sight of me trying to escape the man swings, his fist and connects with my gut, knocking me out.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The man grinned. He pulled out a gun and shot the two men. He then walked up to them and pulled off the badges that read S.J.V. He spat on them and walked away with me on his shoulder.
The soft bump of the road, eased my mind and I began to think, why I was here....................................................................................
My name is Alex. I was always the teachers pet and made friends easily. I was the most liked person in school, popular, smart and the next day I was going to ask out Alice, the cheerleader captain, but my life all changed after the incident...................................................

I was walking down town, when I saw a game that I drastically wanted. My parents would ever let me buy and if I was allowed I would never have had the money. I entered the shop, silently as if I was a shadow. I pretended to look at the game and quickly stuffed under my shirt. The person at the counter didn't even look at me, she knew I was Alex the perfect. I left the shop with the game under my expensive shirt. I wanted to return the game, but I knew it would ruin my status at school. I felt worried but as I walked down the path my face turned into a massive grin, it felt good to steal something. Over the years my stealing became bigger and bigger. I teamed up with Clark, my best friend and we started to steal and sell the stuff on the internet. First it was phones, and music players, then jewellary until we stole money. My parents started to question where on earth I was getting the money to buy all the stuff I had, I just said I had a job................................................................

Need characters, once your the character your that person in the book. I speak as Alex you speak as your character
My stealing became more and more of a problem. Clark and I would beat up little kids now for money. My grades went down and my chances for a cheerleader were as slim as they were. My parents got worried, but I resurred them and counted my mega bucks. Clark and I then went extreme and started doin home theft. We would steal at night, we were the beasts of the night. We keep getting richer and richer until the incident...........................................................................................................

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