Beaten Baby Chick by Momma Hen


In the Brooder
May 13, 2024
I have a hen who is incubating eggs. Yesterday, I found an egg at the edge of the hen. I looked at it and found that the baby chicks head was sticking out with it's top beak GONE! It's nose is bloody. Recently, I have been finding dead baby chicks like if they have been beaten and there intestines gone too. I am starting to think it is this hen when is making this chaos.

Anyway, the chick was in the egg, I believe it was hatching and the hen attacked it. I took the eggshell away carefully without damaging the membrane. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to assist this poor little thing. What do I need to give it with it's broken beak. The bottom beak also seems like it is going to fall of too. Any advise would help. 😥

1st pic. - yesterday, when I found it
Other pics. - today, this morning


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Argh! Do you have an incubator? I would hatch any remaining eggs in an incubator. you have a hen that's not a good mother.

You could try cleaning the beak with saline and putting some Vaseline on it, you'll need to feed wet mash and hope the beak grows back
Argh! Do you have an incubator? I would hatch any remaining eggs in an incubator. you have a hen that's not a good mother.

You could try cleaning the beak with saline and putting some Vaseline on it, you'll need to feed wet mash and hope the beak grows back
Thank you for reaching out. I don't have an incubator, but, I checked the eggs she had and they were bad. One was rotten on the inside.

Is Vaseline safe for chickens? And what kind of food can I give it. I am new to this.
Yesterday, I found an egg at the edge of the hen. I looked at it and found that the baby chicks head was sticking out with it's top beak GONE! It's nose is bloody. Recently, I have been finding dead baby chicks like if they have been beaten and there intestines gone too. I am starting to think it is this hen when is making this chaos.
You mention that recently you've been finding chicks dead - how long has this hen been sitting on eggs, how many does she have and did you mark the eggs that she was sitting on?

Sounds like she's possibly got a staggered hatch going on?

How many more eggs are under her that are viable and what day are they on? Have you candled them?

Sorry about the chick, it's sad. Personally, I would cull this chick and end its suffering. The top beak is missing, the bottom beak you mention looks like it will fall off, these will not grow back. The chick has suffered quite a bit of trauma.

This is the best method to put a chick down.

Anyway, the chick was in the egg, I believe it was hatching and the hen attacked it. I took the eggshell away carefully without damaging the membrane. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to assist this poor little thing. What do I need to give it with it's broken beak. The bottom beak also seems like it is going to fall of too. Any advise would help.
You mention that recently you've been finding chicks dead - how long has this hen been sitting on eggs, how many does she have and did you mark the eggs that she was sitting on?

Sounds like she's possibly got a staggered hatch going on?

How many more eggs are under her that are viable and what day are they on? Have you candled them?

Sorry about the chick, it's sad. Personally, I would cull this chick and end its suffering. The top beak is missing, the bottom beak you mention looks like it will fall off, these will not grow back. The chick has suffered quite a bit of trauma.

This is the best method to put a chick down.
She was sitting on them for quite a while now. I took them and did a candle test on them and none of them were good. The chick with it's broken beak is thr only one left.

Also, could you explain what a staggered hatch is, I am new to this.
She was sitting on them for quite a while now. I took them and did a candle test on them and none of them were good. The chick with it's broken beak is thr only one left.

Also, could you explain what a staggered hatch is, I am new to this.
A staggered hatch is when you have eggs under a broody hen that are "different ages", so they don't hatch within the same timeframe (21-23days).

If you have a broody hen and wish for her to hatch fertilized eggs, it's best to collect eggs for several days and mark them. Put them all under her at once. Check daily and remove any eggs that are not marked so you don't end up with a staggard hatch.

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