beautiful black 11 week old hen... any guess on breed??


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 27, 2010
elkhart, indiana
this is Dawg (my fiancée named her) she is much smaller than my other hens,(i don't know what they are either though. just plain old basic white hens.) i'm curious as to what breed she is. despite being held just as much as my other hens when she was just a fuzz ball she runs from me
. is this in her breed?


in this group baby picture she is (obviously lol?) the little black one


any help would be wonderful!
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Looks like my SLW cockerels. I think the males have a more blotchy black and white pattern to them while the pullets get that lacing. The males also get bigger combs and waddles sooner. Believe me, I researched and researched and stressed about this hoping and praying mine weren't roos. They are.


See how my guy here has those patches of black and white? Your little guy has those white patches across his wings too. He's still a pretty bull-Dawg.

Edit...hmm, 9 weeks? I thought he was younger. Have hope!!!
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i sure hope so. i already have a roo and ive heard that 2 roos will fight. my fiancé doesnt even want the one roo let alone let me keep 2... plus she just seems so feminine to me because she is so small, it would be hard to call her HE

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