Because of overly noisy chickens got warning f rom neighbors, can anyone help please...

hahah, i had a few like that/ i found that when we had a rooster (even a young one) they didnt yell quite so much. now that roos have ben removed to other quarters with their hens (thai fowls), the layer girls have gone back to screaming again. i already removed one leghorn to someone else, and the two rir's also; now have two cochins: one broody, one layer, four leghorn layers and three pullets... one of the leghorns is the loudest screecher: she waits in line to lay in the one box they all want, and the broody growls, and the cochin yells... every day, for two hours, 6-8 am. its the normal bird wake up time here, just they are much louder.l its not warning squawks or defense squawks. its the long drawn out version of a hen crowing as opposed to a roo crowing. if i dont hear it i get worried. neighbhors also dont like it , but i dont like their lovebirds waking up (they have a cockatiel that imitates an alarm clock everyday at 7:30 am too); and the other neighbors dogs wake at that hour, so too bad .....

i did move my ducks and thai fowls because they began to be noiser as they reached full maturity, and also, their coop smelled more, and we let them forage so kibbutz called me in for a 'talk'... so we agreed i can keep the girls since others have aviaries, but the larger fowls have to go... fair enough...

btw, i also used to try many water gun, etc methods for the morning screams: the best way to shut them up is to give them something tastier and interesting to search for and eat: rice, popcorn, anything that makes them work and not talk :)...
I don't mind the snake as long as it can get ahold of the chickens. Most are just little colubrids. They keep the rats away and can have as many eggs as they want. They are little pest control agents
So I have posted before, I have some seriously noisy chickens. Yes I understand the birds in general are noisy but this is taking it to whole we level. Every morning they scream! That is best I can d describe it. I do not have rooster in flock so no crowing, but I might as well because these chickens are loosed then rooster! Anyone know why this behavior can happen? They are not asking for door to be open, it is already open, food is these too. But every morning from about 6:30 to about 8 they proceed to scream. Ideas please becaus. Someone out ere is bound to know why this is happening this isn't normal for chickens!!!
Close them in at night and dont let them out until 8 am. They will still carry on, but it will be muffled by being in the house. This is what I did when I accidentally got a rooster in my first batch of chicks. My neighbor's master bedroom was right on the property line and so was the hen house on our side of the line. It's less obnoxious when the noise is after 8 am. Eventually the roo turned into such a SOB he went home for dinner with the lawn guy.
mine are closed in coop until 7:30 but they are horrible. I still can't catch them in act but when I peeked in this morning they were just standing there, middle of coop and telling up a storm. typically during the day they kind of banter and cluk, but this morning thing isn't an egg song or cluk cluk... it is just screaming!!! and they are so loud that coop muffles next to nothing!
so here is weird turn of events, I stay up till god knows what time researching this noise issue, all ready at 4:30today to "confront" my chickens... waiting...waiting... NOTHING!!! they are cutely bantering, clucking am are exemplary citizens!!! maybe I skated them with a soup pot ha ha ha

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