Bedding for a chick brooder

We have 15 chick's (dorking's) coming in April...I was wondering what was best also... Murray. McMurray say's :"litter " wood shavings, rice hulls, or ground cob's make good litter Do not Use CEDAR chip's , SAWDUST (TOO SMALL and the birds might eat it) or treated wood chip's . Sand, Straw or dirt will also work but are not as good as the others.
They say to make the litter at least 1" thick all over the floor of the brooder and to keep it covered for the first day with news paper to keep the chick's from eating the litter rather than their feed. They go on to say: to avoid leg cramps we should remove the paper after the first day for heavy breeds and meat bird's. And after the third day for lighter breeds...
I really like this hatchery their catalog has loads of information and tips after all they are in business to help us succeed . :p

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