

In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
Ive always used pine chipping beddings inside my coop. Lately its been sort of a pain, with the chickens kicking it everywhere and dirtying it. I need an alternative bedding. Any ideas or suggestions?
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You can use pine shavings, straw, or even sand. I love sand. A very nice litter to use. It stays dry when wet, it repels flies, absorbs poop smells and what I like about it is you can hose it down in the summer time and it keeps the birds really cool! Add a fan on the wet floor and instantly you have birds that stop panting! Here is a nice thread on sand if you need more info about it...
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. X2 on TwoCrows regarding the use of sand as a coop bedding for the reasons she gave. If you do use sand though, make sure that you use a coarse sand such as coarse river sand rather than fine beach sand which has been known to impact chicks' crops. Fine, smooth, pea gravel works very good as well. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

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