Beefy Attacked!


Flamingo Daddy-o
12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
South Georgia
Yesterday i was cutting down the wisteria vines. i do this every year about this time. i cut all the vines down and then spray them with round up. at the end of the year i have 2 or 3 controllable sized wisterias. they bloom the next spring and then explode and i start all over. today i was looking at the ones i had cut and trying to find the ones that i missed that hadnt wilted when all of the sudden i get smacked in the head. i'm talkin bout HARD. like ringing in my ears hard. it was one single blow to the head and after probably 30 seconds of my standing around being like dubyateeeff i finally looked up and there was a freaking brown thrasher hovering right above me. that sucker dive-bombed and knocked me the poo out with its wings. yes, i found the babies.

Watch out for the Mockingbirds, too!
LOL, what a mental picture! Thrashed by a Thasher! They sure are defensive little suckers hu? Glad you are ok! As soon as my Wisteria is finished blooming, we are going to cut it all the way back. This was left to go on its own from previous owners for about 20 yrs, and is now covering 60 foot trees.
Pretty....smells wonderfull...but killing every tree it can get into.
Sorry but I can't stop -

The idea of taking a beat down from a little bird -

I do know they can be viscious and not let up when angered but still when it isn't happening to yourself it is

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