Beekeeping- New bees in old hive?

Chicks 'n ducks

Jan 23, 2018
Northern Colorado
I am planning on buying a 3 lb. package of bees very soon and I am trying to decide which of my two hives to put them in. I have two top bar hives, one is filled with old brood comb, it has no mold or signs of American Fowl Brood, and one hive that is all cleaned out and has plain bars with no comb. I have read conflicting information on whether you should put bees on old comb because of diseases, but I just figured it would give them a head start and they could just clean it up and not have to make new comb. Will bees even do this?
Thanks in advance!
You can get a secondhand hive for probably $100-200, maybe less in your area. You could make one probably pretty cheap if you could use reclaimed wood. A package of bees in my area is about $130. if you can catch a swarm that's great, and free. Then there is some tools, like a hive tool, brush, smoker, and of course a bee suit. If you buy secondhand it wouldn't be bad. I only have the gloves and veil, I'll just find some thick jeans and a coat.
We are a top bar beekeepers with two hives in Arkansas. You will want to take two or three clean comb from the old hive and put them one bar back from entrance in the clean hive. This is the brood location in a top bar and having comb there the queen can start laying right away. Pick the lightest ones you can, they are the newest comb. Only give them 10 bars to start with then the follower board. This will give them a great start and it’s better for them to draw their own comb.
If you use the old comb and the bees reject it they will leave. Feed 1to 1 sugar water in the hive or close by to help them make comb.
Thank you! How can I tell if the bees have rejected the old comb?
I have never seen bees reject comb. Comb has different functions for bees, old comb is used for honey storage. New comb for brood, it has different size cells. Old comb is dark and has built up environmental substance. If it is contaminated with pesticides or other harmful things they will get sick and die or leave the hive.
Use old comb, one of three combs, only to start a new colony and let them draw their new comb. You are NOT helping the bees by using old comb.
Melt down the old comb and reuse in the hive to coat and protect their home or for your use.

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