Been here a while but haven't introduced myself yet

Wow, thanks everyone for such a warm welcome, I'm so glad I came and said hi now!

Unfortunately I only my Alfred by himself as he's not a very well chicken, I've had such a rough time with him recently and the vet diagnosed him with malabsorption syndrome, it's left him with rickets so he doesn't walk very much and she warned me any companions I buy might pick on him
It's tough because I have my heart set on a big flock, does anyone here know if it would be good/bad? Might warrant a seperate post in the health section - good job I have this place!
from North Texas
glad you joined BYC!! :were
You might just separate him into a different area if you wish to add more chickens to your flock so he wouldn't get hurt
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Of course! I have some pictures up on my page on here and more will be added soon, he is a very handsome boy

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