Beginner Goose raiser/owner no birds yet.


Jan 14, 2016
I want to do everything right and wand to buy or preferably build a coop for geese and a run large enough for about 4 geese mainly for Christmas dinner. I wanted to do a goose last Christmas but on my my retired Navy pay it turned out too much for my budget.
This is my plan "B". Raise some EMBDEN thinking of three male and 1 female goslings. I guess thats the term. goose and gander. I' m hoping you guys and gals will correct any terms and other mistakes. I have looked into e-fowls and may buy from them. I know I need to get a lot of answers so I'll check the FAQ's online. I think I can take a lot of advise from you people on BYC. Thanks in advance. I don't want pets. Benn there done that with my brother-in-law and his kids naming steaks on-the-hoof. This is meant to be strictly meat and my daughter, grandkids and great grandkids will not do that. if raising poultry for food is frowned on in this forum then it is not for me and I'll unsubscribe if you wish. Thanks and I hope I haven't been too blood thirsty for all of you.
Very Respectfully
Richard F. Hoyt
Hi :welcome Richard

Glad you could join us here! I'm afraid I've got no experience with geese but I'm sure if you pop by the geese section of the forum the keepers there will be able to help. Here is the link for the geese section ~

I wish you the very best with your geese adventures. Enjoy BYC :frow
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Hi Richard and a warm welcome to BYC. Please don't consider unsubscribing!! You are more than at home here- I think it's safe to say we have members across the whole spectrum of keeping small flocks so you won't offend!

All the best

Nice to meet you Richard. Thank you for your time in service. We have all types of owners here and many do "process" their birds/animals for meat. Some areas even have classes on processing. I don't have knowledge of geese but, you can post on the "Goose thread," and ask questions of those who do. Welcome to Backyard chickens.

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. I look forward to seeing you around BYC.

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