beginner here


5 Years
Oct 1, 2014
Hey guys I'm wanting to start raising quail and want to raise them from eggs. Any suggestions?? Thanks a bunch
Hey guys I'm wanting to start raising quail and want to raise them from eggs. Any suggestions?? Thanks a bunch
you should get coturnix quails if you desire eggs
Good luck!
Thanks do you happen to have any ideas for a pen is guess is the word. For them. If don't have a ton of room and rent my house so it need something not to large and simple for me to build (I'm 16)
Thanks do you happen to have any ideas for a pen is guess is the word. For them. If don't have a ton of room and rent my house so it need something not to large and simple for me to build (I'm 16)
I just have my dad helps me out I'm two years younger then you (14). I found one that is pretty easy. If you search up cheap quail coop you will find it. i really want to build it but family says no

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