Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

Has anybody thought about putting food coloring into the water so you can see it in the bottom of the incubator? I haven't tried it but am wondering if there is any reason I couldn't do it. It's food safe, I would think it would be ok to use but I could be wrong.
I don't see any reason why you couldn't do that, considering some people dye their chicks on day 18 through the shell via food coloring. I personally would want too just because it might make the incubator harder to clean out (getting the dye out).
I really don't think there is any water in it right now. I have not figured out a good way to measure the humidity in the incubator yet. I have the hygrometer that came with the incubator that I'm pretty sure is not right and I purchase another one with a probe but I don't think the probe measures the humidity. I did calibrate the one I purchased two times, one with the whole unit in the bag and the second time just the probe. When the whole unit was in the bag it was good, when just the probe was in it didn't work. Oh well, I am moving forward with what I have and hope for the best. I candled at day 10 and marked air cells (didn't know I should have done it to start with) and then checked them yesterday at day 14 and there wasn't much change so not sure what to think. I will do it again at day 18 and hope to see some change in air cell size at that point. The air cells are decent sized so I think we will be ok.
I am using the Farm Innovators Pro Series Incubator with the fan and egg turner. I am really considering next time taking out that wire screen inside the incubator and putting the eggs in trays like other people do and using containers of water in the incubator. It is really hard to see in the bottom of the incubator with the turner in it and there is almost no extra room with a full batch of eggs. Hopefully I will have some of my Swedish Flower Hen eggs and Bantam Cochin eggs the next time I am ready to incubate.

Anyone have tips for cleaning the incubator????
I have one of the basic farm innovations still air incubators that are like $50 at TSC.
My hatch is over so I went to clean the incubator out and I'm having a heck of a time.
With the dried on stuff, I tried soap and warm water, then I tried gently scrubbing. Little pieces of styrofoam are breaking off and the dried up gunk is still there!!!!!
Maybe soak it for a while and see if some of it comes loose. I wondered about lining it with something but don't know for sure. I really want to tear my store bought apart and use the parts for a homemade one. I see too many little problems that I think I could correct in making my own.
The only chick that hatched from my incubation had to be put down. He had what we thought was spraddle leg, but it ended up that it was a broken leg that had healed wrong or something. He could only hobble using his knees. He never used his feet. Well, there's always next year!
Oh gosh, that stinks. I'm so sorry!

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