

11 Years
Feb 9, 2012
Ned to quails, need to know as much as possible! Please share your knowledge! Going to be getting them in about 1 week! Also, how many can you fit in a 3' by 4' coop?
What type of quail are you getting? That will determine how many you can keep in this space. :)
If you are getting Bobwhites, you would be able to keep one pair, (1 male 1 female) in this amount of space, or just 3 females, or just 3 males. :)
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Ned to quails, need to know as much as possible! Please share your knowledge! Going to be getting them in about 1 week! Also, how many can you fit in a 3' by 4' coop?
How high is the inside of the coop? When Bobwhites get startled, they can and will jump straight up and injure themselves if the distance between the floor and ceiling is 18 inches.
Coturnix? I think. How many could we have in a 3' by 4' coop? And they should NOT be let to free range right? Even if you clip their wings? Would that work? I know we are having trouble with the three new chickens, they are young and slim, so they are jumping, yes jumping, not flying, over the fence. A few days locked in a coop together should keep them in line.
coturnix cannot be free ranged even with clipped wings, they are very vulnerable to predation due to their small size and with clipped wings they will no longer be able to get away, not clipping would mean they would fly away but then you would lose them so just keep them enclosed
don't know how many you can keep in a coop that size, I'll let others answer that! If it looks crowded it probably is, that is how I judge mine lol, I tend to judge by eye, if the birds are comfortable and can move about freely and no aggression is apparent then I'm happy that all is well, as for the chooks
how high is the fence that they are jumping over? as they get bigger they will get heavier which may help to some extent but it does depend how high the fence is as they can still fly a bit if they need to also.
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coturnix cannot be free ranged even with clipped wings, they are very vulnerable to predation due to their small size and with clipped wings they will no longer be able to get away, not clipping would mean they would fly away but then you would lose them so just keep them enclosed
don't know how many you can keep in a coop that size, I'll let others answer that! If it looks crowded it probably is, that is how I judge mine lol, I tend to judge by eye, if the birds are comfortable and can move about freely and no aggression is apparent then I'm happy that all is well, as for the chooks
how high is the fence that they are jumping over? as they get bigger they will get heavier which may help to some extent but it does depend how high the fence is as they can still fly a bit if they need to also.
Thanks! I think the way you judge is great! That's probably what I would do. lol.

The chickens are jumping over a 4 1/2' fence. (Chicken wire) later I'll get a pic of how we fixed it. Three times when I was gone yesterday, I guess our neighbor came and told my dad the chickens were out, and so finally we just put them in the coop for the rest of the day. We just now let them back into the pen, and fixed the top of a plastic tote so they can't climb up onto the door to jump over. They'll just slide off.
Hopefully that keeps them in today. Otherwise, for now, they have to stay in their coop, but the problem is that it's in the mid 90's here, and it's HOT in the coop. Too hot for them. We put a fan, and I was out there misting with a water bottle, but that didn't seem to help at all. What is there that is cold I could feed them? Thanks. They don't care for bananas too much, I was going to put one in the freezer, but I think that would be a waste of a perfectly good banana. I got to go check on the runaways and make sure they didn't... well... run away!
I have an 8' wall surrounding my yard and every so often my chickens will fly up onto that or the roof.
I say a 6' fence or a complete enclosure will work.
I free range my chickens and the thing to remember is to make them comfortable where they're at and they'll stay. Also that coop is waaaay too hot for chickens and quail. They should NOT be kept in it. If I were you, I would build a run with LOTS of shade but open wire on all sides so you dont end up killing your chickens.

I live in arizona where it gets up to 110 degrees. Key is to provide adequate shade, moist areas, and plenty of water. Chickens will /always/ jump fences. You just need to provide a nice place that they'll want to stay. :)

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