Beginning to Squat

We have 2 RIRs. One started laying at 18 1/2 weeks other at 20. I am not sure if mine are squatting because I am new to this so I do not know what to look for. But hey, they are laying. We love having chickens. Enjoying this site to.
All of my Barred Rocks were hatched April 18th and all have been laying since September 16th or so. I'm averaging 6 eggs a day from my 7 girls.
Naturally, the day after we got them, my other half was ordered to cut out eggs and dairy (along with most every other good food), so lots of neighbors are getting free eggs '
I am loving these posts. No eggs here yet (hatched Apr. 13), but one of the roosters was on top of our hen that has the reddest waddle and area around eyes. I am assuming that might mean she is close?

And can someone explain the egg laying song?
My hens are 23 weeks old and only one has started to squat around me, she is a Buff Orpington as shown in the photo. She is not laying however it's been another hen Mave who is an Easter Egger. She has layed an egg a day for 17 days. Two of the eggs had no shell and the eggs are quite small and a pretty greenish blue color.
She looks like she should be laying very soon IMO.
One of our EEs -- actually a week younger than many of the rest of our flock -- has started squatting, I noticed yesterday. Thing I love (besides eggs) about their squatting: I can catch them now! They used to run off pretty quickly.

We have Barred Rocks, Black Australorps and the EEs. Of them, the Barred Rocks started laying first, and now this EE is squatting. No squatting (but seriously red wattles and combs) from the Australorps. I thought they were world record holders! ;-)

Best of luck to all of you with your (soon-to-be) layers!
the astralorps will do you proud, gentle and reliable daily layers. mine are just starting and out of five, three are putting it out daily. and the eggs are nice size
there is a video on here of the egg song! watch it so you will know it when they belt it out, to me it sounds like "come here and see what i did"
Love it! Mine sounds like she's singing a song from the musical Oklahoma, Surry with the Fringe on Top....

Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
When I take you out in the surrey,
When I take you out in the surrey with the fringe on top!

Take out the words and substitute with Bawks and you got it!
Raising chickens would be so much easier if they took a little time to read the books and cruise this forum.

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