

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
One of my fifteen "ISA Brown" hens is plucking out her feathers... I have not seen her do it however where her feathers are plucked tells me she is most likely doing it herself. Under her neck is bald, her wing pits are bald and a slight area above her breast is bald. My hens are almost two years old and this has been going on for about 2 months now. I know this can lead to terrible things and I would like to stop it before she is completely bald and bloody. Please help us, we love our ladies.
I'm not entirely sure, but it sounds like a protein deficiency-maybe try a bit of cat food or I use black oil sunflower seeds to give them a protein burst. Hopefully someone else will hop on here soon!!!
Thank you so much for a swift reply... I'll try the cat food and give my ladies sunflower. I am stressing out over this (sounds silly doesn't it). Again thanks for the advice.
I just checked out your nipple watering system... I love it and am going to order some today for the spring time, how did you attach the nut on the inside???

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