Behaviour Management (Without the Stewpot)

I tried that.. By the time I catch her she'll have forgotten why I'm chasing her and just think I'm a crazy person.
Damn fast moving chickens.

I had a roo that never attacked me, but would follow me in a rather threatening way, and do the wing dip thing at me. I hadn't found BYC at the time, and did not know to pick him up, or kick him off the hen he mated in front of me. But I would start walking at him, sometimes with arms spread, and he would back off. This went on for months, til he gave his life protecting his hens.

But he did not attack hens or other animals. It could be that the chasing would work, whether you catch her or not, at least to keep her off you. Don't know whether it would stop her from attacking things smaller than her, though. I'd still try the garden hose.

Now if you could get the dog to stand his ground and bark at her....
I dub thee Crazy

how the heck do you bath a chicken??

You'll find out when you have one eggbound or prolapsed. The kitchen sink works fine. Now, how you disinfect it afterwards is another question....
Yep, if you can't catch her there's always long sticks.

I have an 8 foot long pvc pole by the coop for those "special occasions." It is one of my spanking sticks.

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