BEI pairing

Chicky Mama

10 Years
I have an order of 5 Black east Indies coming this week & I'm wondering if 2 drakes & 3 ducks will be a problem later? They're gonna be backyard birds and didn't want more than 4 but with past chicks I've lost a roo or 2 before they grew up, so i ordered the extra drake.
Should I add another female while I can or will a 3/2 ratio work?
:)Thanks in advance for any advice...
I started out with some Roens that I picked up from our local IFA store. That was it, I was hooked! I went through Khaki Campbells, Cayugas, Magpies, Pekins, Runners, Blue Swedish and finally Black East Indies. I am now sticking with Black East Indies only. I have had them for about 10 years. I would advise ordering more females! I have about 3 females to each male and the females still get terrorized by the males. I would even suggest a ratio of about 5 females for every male. I have learned to never have more than two males period! No matter how many hens. It's worked very well and I have all five females hatching ducklings right now. BEI's are my favorite! Good luck! You will love them.
Thank you! I may just cancel the 2 male, if we were staying where we are I'd get more girls but we're trying to sell & be in town for my dad. I didn't want male chicks put in for warmth & wanted to try & make sure they ship warmly. I worry about relying on 1 male since I've lost specifically chosen cockrels before. I also don't want the same problem as with 2 roos becoming buttheads to my hens & myself as they matured,they went bye-bye.

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