being mean on a phone

you could ask them what they are wearing and breathe heavily in the phone. I never did it, but I am sure they would hang up. I usually tell them I am not interested nicely and hang up, I am sure the people calling are doing it because they are trying to make a living.
We shut off our home phone and that solved that!!! But when we had it they always seemed to call at dinnertime so I would kindly ask them if I could have their name and home phone # so I could call them back during their dinnertime!!!
This thread is sooo funny!
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Actually no they don't I will let everyone on a little secret I had a telemarketing job for 1 year it feed my kids I HATED that job. We had to follow these rules that we had to hear the word no or not interested 2 or 3 times I hated it but I would get in trouble if I did not follow the rules. I did hang up a few times with one no and got caught but Like I said that I was not going to get yelled at. I hated people who screamed we wore head sets and that just hurt. I try and be nice now and just ask how many no's do you need for me to hang up. they tell me and I say no however many times and say have a nice day or just asked to removed from the list. So just remember these are people who really hate their job but are feeding their family. So don't scream or make a bunch of noise and just hang up nicely. Thank you.

Plus I know they can not say my last name at all.
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