Belgian Malines (Mechels)


Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Feb 28, 2009
Meeker, Ok 20+chicken years
I'm looking for breeders of the Belgian Malines...Malinois Kalkoenkop. I would like to purchase eggs or chicks to start a breeding program.

The breed was recognized in1898 developed in Mechelen area of Belgiam.. They have been bred in the US once they were imported from the UK or Belgiam/Netherlands. The birds are large and a nice dual purpose breed (Cocks 11 lbs, hens 8.8 lbs). They make a nice table bird because their extra down allows the fat to be distributed thru the meat instead of just under the skn as in most breeds. Most of the birds in Belgian are bred now for the gourmet market.

A few pictures are posted on the link:

This old card is what triggered my quest:

It's been a while since I posted this request so I thought I would update.
A gentleman from Flanders has joined the BYC Cochin thread and knows of breeders in that area. A discussion is ongoing on possible importation of eggs to get some started here again.
Checking into the best way to accomplish that process.
Shellz from Canada has shared on another breed thread that she acquired the Black Barred single comb variety from Bart Nagel.
beginning at post 987. She has promised to keep us updated on the progress of her eggs/ chicks.

Here is a link Bart sent me a while back on the breed.

And here is a link to his web page
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Good stuff NanaKat!

Here's a video of our Malines chicks at about two months of age. They are at that awkward teenage stage and beginning to show their adult cuckoo color pattern. I recommend you use the HD setting for a better view.

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