Beltsville Turkeys


12 Years
Sep 28, 2007
I have successfully raised several different breeds of chickens, runner ducks, and quail over the past few years as a hobby and wanted to try out turkeys. Since my space is limited, I decided to go with a smaller breed of turkey and after reading great things about the Beltsville hatching eggs from Jerry Poole, I ordered a dozen to incubate (shipped in the spring of course). Since these birds will be forever pets, I was wondering about their temperment. I am so hoping that they will be friendly and take an interest in the family. Can any of you share your experiences with this particular breed?
Beltsville Small White Turkeys are listed in the SOP with a mature weight of a Tom as 21 lbs. They are all of 1 lb smaller than a Royal Palm. Just want you to know that even what is supposed to be a "small" turkey, is still pretty darned big.
I never raised any, but a friend of mine does and as long as you spend time with them as they grow they should be friendly.

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