Best Age to Sell Roosters?


Apr 11, 2024
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
I have 4 roosters/cockerels that are almost 10 weeks old. My intentions are to tell them.

What age do most people prefer to buy roosters? Do they want to buy them as little chicks, around the age of mine, or as full aged breeding males?

I want to know if they are less likely to be bought as they get older or if they are more likely to be bought?
I personally would prefer to buy a full grown rooster, so his personality is (pretty much) established. I actually turned down buying a chick that was a cockerel of a breed I really wanted just because I was worried how he'd turn out.
Good to know! Maybe I will work with these cockerels to get them to be well behaved around people.

I have them seperated from my main flock so I can focus more on them as I need to.

So would you say around 4-5 months would be the age, or a year?
Good to know! Maybe I will work with these cockerels to get them to be well behaved around people.

I have them seperated from my main flock so I can focus more on them as I need to.

So would you say around 4-5 months would be the age, or a year?
I don't know when cockerels are fully mature. I guess six months or more?

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