Best All Around Breed

Barred rock, barred rock, and barred rock. They are the most friendly, outgoing, sweet little things ever. I have 9 chickens 4 buff orpingtons 2 mix 1 wonderful standard cochin roo and my 2 little barred rocks!!!
If I had it to do over again I would have only barred rock hens.


My first thought are RIR's. But, I also really like Cuckoo Marans. If you get straight run, you can eat the roos and keep the hens for eggs. Mine lay very well, they grow faster than most and are easy to tell hens from roos quickly, sometimes at hatch. I like the qualityof the eggs mostly though. Then, if you want free-rangers, get Dark Cornish, who lay a huge egg almost daily and the roos dress out heavy and meaty. Murray McMurray has good stock of dark cornish. They rustle up most of their food and are somewhat camoflauged. How can you pick just one breed, I've never been able to choose just one. Good luck with that, HenZ
Breeder stock does more often than hatchery stock, as with most breeds. Mine are from very broody stock, which I prefer. They are a meaty bird, again, if you get good breeder stock and not hatchery stock. Can't go wrong with good Delawares or Barred Rocks.
Well I think the Barred and maybe the White varieties have had more emphasis on prodution and size over the years than the other varieties. I haven't had any experiance with other Rock varieties, but I imagine they would be great too.

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