Best and Worse Layer and Why?

Best: Olive Egger/Marans cross. She doesn't lay the most eggs, but they are impeccable--same size, shape, color, always every 36-48 hours like clockwork, perfect shell thickness. I value consistency more than quantity. She's A+ in my book.

Worst: Currently, my Lt. Brahma. Her egg shells have been on the thin side lately and I suspect she might be the one laying the soft shelled eggs I see now and then. Plus, she squashes other eggs (I think because she is so big and kicks eggs around when nesting; I'm padding the boxes to hopefully help) 🤦‍♀️ I do love her though.
Sapphire Gem. She laid first, and nice XL eggs regularly

EE & Marans mix. They laid later, and less often per week, but their eggs are gorgeous!

One of the reasons I love a mixed flock. Egg laying consistency variety and pretty colors!
Best: several have been good: Barred Rocks, SLW, BCM, all come to mind.

Worst: dark brown leghorn from an exhibition line. Beautiful birds, males and females. But 3 girls: first laid at around 35 weeks, next around 39 weeks, third never laid before sold at 45 weeks!! And they were a Feb hatch, so should have begun to lay in July.
That’s awful and can be an inherent problem with breeders sometimes. You go for beauty and forget what the chicken is actually supposed to do. There are perfectionists (@The Moonshiner) that breed beautiful birds and still consider egg production being an attribute to keep in the breed. Another example is goats. They were tough as nails when I was growing up but it seems they’ve bred all tough away for cuteness.

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