Best breed to attack hawks

Best thing we did was pet a net over are run, but then we had trouble with coons, we are really sealing up the pen and run and I hope to get more chicks here soon
From the picture, it doesn't look like they have much cover to get under. That's one of the best defenses against aerial predators, someone alerts and everyone scrams under trees or a bush. The folks who develop land by clear cutting make it less useful for livestock in general because everyone likes some shade.

Whatever else you do, I would invest in some bushes that grow well in your area. Something almost invasive, like some berry bushes can be. Make a nice clumpy planting of them in the middle of the field or in a nice continuous line that's quick for the chickens to get to. While you're waiting for them to grow, you could put up some temporary cover like shade cloth or similar suspended two feet off the ground. Make some different covered spots with a bit of variety.

It could also help to choose less bright colors of chickens. In your picture, the white one really stands out in your environment. Black and brown and patterns can often work better.
Raptors in the US are federally protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It is illegal to harm or kill them, or possess them or any of their parts (and that includes feathers). The cost of replacing a chicken or improving your shelter is trivial compared to the price of the fines and possible jail time if you are found guilty of shooting a raptor.

Anyone who says "well they have to catch you first" is blatantly encouraging you to break the law. Think about that before you listen to them.
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Maybe start throwing cats around over their heads. Might help them transition from cats to flying predators.
🤦‍♂️ Idk what I was thinking when I posted this.
Throwing cats? How ridiculous, that's what catapults were invented for.
i googled it and it said shooting hawks in virginia is banned or something stupid like that, but my run covers like a whole 3/4 my backyard so its huge, i dont know what would work for a covered run. This is a very bad screenshpt from a video but from where the red barn starts, and half way down the hill is where the coop ends, also where the pirate ship is so a covered run is practically impossible, or VERY expensiveView attachment 3748257
Cover as much of the run with aviary netting. But it catches leaves etc. wear out in 2 or 3 yrs.
Im so mad i hate hawks so much they keep killing my birds ive lost 3 roosters and a whole flock of ducks. What breed is strong enough to fight predators but not attack the flock, like aggresive but also not
I'm very sorry about losing your flock to aerial predators. I have hawks in the area and I'm always concerned about my ducks.
I have 5 roosters that grew up in phases with each other. One protects the ducks also since he was hatched together by a hen who also hatched his duckling sibling.

I don't care what others say about roosters but I love my boys and could not let my girls free range all winter without them.

Other tips, I strategically place things in my yard for them to take quick cover when they hear the rooster warning..wheel barrows , rolled up fence they can walk through, chairs from my patio.. this helps deter along with sending my dog out to do zoomies a few times a day when I'm home. I also have some barn kitties that help.

I think hawks will think twice when there is activity in the yard. Breeds matter but I do have a few very small hens who are in their 3rd year of free ranging. I have only lost 2 tiny chick's to crows but the hawks have made themselves know.. but they do not attack.

Hope this helps
I've had a bunch of Black Copper/Wheaten Marans roosters that are very good at detecting when hawks are out and about. Never have lost any with my old rooster, but if you really want to make sure hawks aren't a problem I would suggest a guardian dog. I've had great luck w/ Australian Cattle Dogs if you are looking for an alternative to a flighty breed etc.

Best of luck!
Wondered ow long it would take for someone to mention LGD. That is the only 100% answer to predators'. I had a /great Per, who lived in the barn and orchard with the chickens, never lost one in the years I had her. Do not get a pet, get one who has lived with chickens, or sheep, goats, etc. .they will take care of your problem. Just provide a dog house in your area and water. I've had 2 over the years, they are great guards against anything.

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