Best breed to go with Rhode Island Red Flock?

I love my RIR and she is very unusual and lives squarely at the bottom of the pecking order. She submits to the other hens (when she has to) but prefers to run away after getting what she wants. She is very docile and tame with us humans and is always underfoot and follows me everywhere around the yard. She is our most intelligent hen and is very curious and loves to explore.

We have a Dark Brahma, a Buff Orpington, a Silver Laced Wyandotte, and an Easter Egger who are all above her in the hierarchy and in that order. The Dark Brahma lead hen pays special attention to the RIR and seems to prefer her. When they were all Pullets together, she never took much interest in the political grappling and vying for dominance, which is why she ended up at the bottom. For all her quirks, she is a real sweetie. I accept that this is an unusual personality for the breed, kind of like your RIRs.
Nope. RIR is one of those breeds where you should NOT add just about anything. They are dominant and prone to chicken-on-chicken aggression, and will bully submissive breeds (or individuals). You should be very careful what you add to them. OP is very wise to ask for advice before getting just anything. I don't keep or like dominant breeds or RIRs and their derivatives, so I don't have advice on specific breeds to add, just on what to avoid - the mellow and submissive breeds (like Orpingtons, Barnevelders, etc.), as well as any breeds with intentionally-bred defects that may look "cute" but handicap the chicken's ability to see or avoid threats - like Silkies, Polish, etc. who are defenseless and easy targets for bully breeds.
I have a twin sisters flock of Delawares that the RIR flock totally dominates. They are the same exact age and from the brooder age until now the reds rule the roost and the range. I'd think you just might have a better chance of keeping the peace with Red Rangers or White Laced Red Cornish that would stand their ground with RIR hens. But there again it should be determined as to what you expect from the additional birds. Also a lot hinges on the strain of RIR's that you currently have.
Hi! We have a flock of 10 RIR. About 7 weeks old. We would like to add to the flock in the future but I'd like to know what your opinions are on the best breeds to add with them. Thanks!
Several folks I know are having remarkable success with RIR roosters over Shaver hens. You may want to add Shaver's especially if you want to breed your own replacements.
I have Ameraucanas with mine, but they were raised together. I haven't introduced any new birds to the flock yet. Even though, generally the RIRs are larger, I have one large Ameraucana that has asserted herself as the flock leader. There's definitely a pecking order in the flock, but not bullying.

I've been setting the cage with the new Barred Rocks and Black Sex Links chicks next to the run and letting the flock out to graze. The grown ones are curious, but not obsessively so. Maybe I got lucky with my RIRs or the Ameraucana is keeping the them in line. I'll have to see how they adjust to the new ones in a month or so.
I don't know about best,but Leghorns would would be fast and flighty enough to get away from them ,they can run circles around a Rhode Island Red if they've got enough room. Just make sure there are extra feeders and waterers the Reds cant guard all at once,and some high perches and roost they can fly up to that other chickens wouldnt even dream of flying up to
The better question would be what I don't have in with my rirs. We've got bantams of 8 or 9 different breeds, barred rocks, Orpingtons of several colors, a cochin, a silkie and many resulting mixes.

They all get on well except our one barred rock rooster, soon to be replaced with his lavender orpington/barred rock progeny(who is an absolute sweetheart, due to having been intentionally handled daily)

It'll depend on the personality of your birds tbh.

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