Best broody Hen??

I would say silkie. You can get some with less leg feathering. It will be in the 20's here for the next 2-3 days and there are three die hard silkie broodies sitting on eggs in the barn. I tried for 2 weeks to keep them off of eggs, but they won out. I kept taking the eggs everyday and putting them in a different pen. They kept getting back into the hay storage area and setting up shop over and over. I raked up all the hay so they only had dirt to nest in. They didn't care. They wanted to brood eggs in this one spot hay or no hay. I finally gave up, gave them a nice box filled with straw and winterproofed the area for them. No since in arguing with broody silkies.
That is awesome! I should do that for my broody girl! Maybe in spring. My neighbors aren't going to like me getting even more chickens though.
Actually I am getting new ameraucanas come spring, maybe I'll separate her out with the chicks so she can raise them. Thanks for the idea.
She wants to be a mom so bad she will try to tuck our Lakenvelders under her wings (she is 6.5 lbs, the 'velders are 5 lbs). It is hilarious to watch!
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If you are hatching large eggs, Wyandotte or Barnevelders are good, small eggs go game hen.
My blue splash wyandotte is very broody. Everyone has finished their molt and are laying again and I am surprised she hasn't picked out a nest yet. I don't know how good a mother she will be because all last summer we did not have a rooster. I got her a big beautiful blue splash roo, so maybe she will get her chance.

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