best chick?

What are you looking for? Lawn ornaments, meat, eggs, show????????

For ME the best chicken breed is Leghorn of any variety. I think that they are beautiful.
The best chick is the chick that will mature into the bird you want. They are only chicks for about 12 weeks, then they are little chickens and before too long, grown chickens. SO pick the adult bird you want, not the chick you want. Meat bird, egg layer, pretty color bird, pretty color egg, etc. They are cute little devils when they are chicks though.
I personally like dual purpose standard sized breeds. Many are very hardy. Breeds like Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Wyandottes, RIR, Delawares. But for all around egg productions you can't beat a Sexlink or Leghorn. All chickens have personalities just like people. Some personalities you might love, others you will hate.
I have a question just drove 2 hrs to buy my 1st marans they are 30 days old. Got them home and noticed one has a deformed foot. Curled and a short inside toe tried taping any suggestions?

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