>>>>>Best chicken competition<<<<<< *REAL PRIZE* ~ Ends 20th of Feb 2012~

Name: Austin
Breed: Serama
Age: 9 months old
A bit about the chicken: My very first Serama along with his Sister, Ciara. Very sweet, loves cuddles an kisses but knows when it's time to "work". I absolutely love love LOVE this boy!! There will never be another like him!!

Name: Claire
Breed: Serama
Age: 7-8months
A bit about the chicken: Awesome little pullet, Great with my daughter who loves to carry her around, Hug an kiss all over her!

Name: Ciara
Breed: Serama
Age: 9 months old
A bit about the chicken: Austin's sister also one of my very first Serama, was recently injured during a fall an stayed in the house for a couple days. She was a better room mate then my own husband! :D

I want a serama so bad!!!
Name: Penny
Breed: Buff Orpington
Age: Unknown
A bit about the chicken: She is a rescue chicken, abandoned with Gloria (chicken below) and 15 other chickens in a small pen.  She is half blind and very friendly.

Name: The Gloria
Breed: Barred Rock
Age: Unknown
A bit about the chicken: She is a rescue chicken, abandoned with Penny (above chicken) and 15 other chickens in a small pen.  She has a sprained foot and has a mean looking expression, but is very sweet.

Name: Nellie
Breed: Buff Orpington
Age: 1 year old
A bit about the chicken: She was given to us by a friend because all her tail feathers were being plucked out by the other hens.  She is very active and will come running when you call.

I'm rooting for Gloria :gig
where do you get them??? i havent seen them for sale at like the big hatcheries, like ideal.

Their fairly new since coming to the US in 2001, You'll want to go through a breeder for either started birds or eggs. If you hatch eggs I can refer you to a couple good breeders who have nice birds!
If not then just keep an eye out in the "8 weeks or older" section of BYC.
Name: Jet Breed: Black Australorp mix. Age:19 weeks today. A bit about the chicken: Jet was suppost to be a girl,but he turned out being a boy. He was Melanie but of course we had to change it. He is sweeter then the hens and loves to be held/totted around. He is the best rooster ever. .
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Name: Stella Artois
Breed:partridge Cochin
A bit about the chicken:Seems shy and quiet but if food is involved she's the first one there!

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