Best chickens competition!!!! *************NO PRIZES*********** Comp ends 20/08/2020

This is Zeiko, one of my Silver Laced Orpingtons, when he was one month old. He just likes to kick back like this, and is entering the funny category for his chillaxing style.
I'm going to enter a couple more birds.


This is Elizabeth(Lizy). I'm entering her into the funniest category. She has a strange habit of climbing/flying half way up the coop door then dropping back down. And when I let her out she just turns around and does it to the open door. She really has my laughing and scratching my head.


This is Henrietta. She is five years old. I will be entering her in the best layer category. While she is not currently laying and she originally took position of worse layer but then she did a 180 and took position of best layer. She originally stopped laying midfall four years ago after our RIR rooster died and she didn't start up until well after winter ended. But once she started she didn't stop until she was almost at the five year mark. And I wouldn't be surprised if she still popped out an egg on ocassion even today.

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