Best coop bedding for Georgia weather


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2023
We are finishing up our coop and will be moving our chicks in shortly after it is completed. What is the best bedding to use in Georgia weather? Our coop will be covered with a roof. TIA!
We are finishing up our coop and will be moving our chicks in shortly after it is completed. What is the best bedding to use in Georgia weather? Our coop will be covered with a roof. TIA!
Hi from Atlanta! We started with pine shavings, hated them chickens track poop everywhere. We now use hemp bedding, a great improvement and you can actually scoop it like kitty litter if the scoop has wide enough openings.
Hi from Atlanta! We started with pine shavings, hated them chickens track poop everywhere. We now use hemp bedding, a great improvement and you can actually scoop it like kitty litter if the scoop has wide enough openings.
Thanks for the info! Where do you get your hemp bedding from?

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