Best cross breeds


Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
What can I say? I love chickens.... I have several different breeds currently -

Buff Orpingtons
Rhode Island Reds
Black Australorps
Blue Andalusians

Currently, I have 3 roosters who are Easter Eggers.

I tend to like the larger dual-purpose birds because we go through a lot of eggs and sell eggs but I like a bird that could be a decent meal, if desperate times came to desperate measures.

I just spent nearly an hour on various hatchery sites looking at different breeds. I know myself well enough to know that I will be itching to buy a few new chicks in the spring. I may even consider some new Roos if any of my current ones are killed by a predator or need to be culled because of aggressive behavior. So I was wondering what breeds might be a good cross to make some pretty or interesting babies but also remain functional?

Tell me about some of your cross breeding experiences! I'd love to hear them!
One of my favorite crosses was an Easter Egger/Buff Orpington. He was a big, beautiful, buff colored roo with muffs. Handsome boy and very well behaved. Grew to be much larger than his EE dad.

I'd love to see a picture if you have one! I thought about ordering some more RIR since they are great layers but decided to see if some of my girls would sit on some eggs instead. I'm hoping my EE/BO and EE/RIR turn out pretty.... 😊
It’s my understanding that size of bird is influenced by size of the mother. If you are breeding, keep that in mind.

we have a BJG father and 3 chicks from this father. We think moms were EE (one has fluffy cheeks), but not sure which others ...all 3 are all black. BJG dad is very large, but the moms were all full size, but smaller than dad. Moms are all These chicks (now 12-13 weeks old) are large, so it remains to be seen how big they get.
One of the prettiest cross breeds I've done was a Barred Rock roo x EE hen. She came out barred but had red all through her. She was gorgeous! Sadly she just passed away today, about an hour and a half ago. 😢

I'm so sorry for your loss... I hate losing chickens! I try not to get super attached but it's hard. I received 22 new babies over the past 2 weeks. It's so much fun to watch their little personalities develop...
It’s my understanding that size of bird is influenced by size of the mother. If you are breeding, keep that in mind.

we have a BJG father and 3 chicks from this father. We think moms were EE (one has fluffy cheeks), but not sure which others ...all 3 are all black. BJG dad is very large, but the moms were all full size, but smaller than dad. Moms are all These chicks (now 12-13 weeks old) are large, so it remains to be seen how big they get.

I won't buy any new chicks until the spring but I thought about getting some Silkies and maybe a few Cochins. Pretty birds but not very functional for eggs. I wondered if they cross bred with my EE roos who are quite big, if that might produce a bird who lays larger eggs. My husband isn't fond of small eggs... 😂 He complains that my little EE pullet who is barely 6 months old lays "tiny" eggs. They are more medium sized than bantam size. Hoping they get a little bigger as she matures more but if not, oh well....

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