I have a flock of 8 birds, 4 roosters and 4 hens. My flock is made of 2 silkies, 1 sizzle, 1 polish top hat, 1 showgirl, 2 lavender orpingtons, and 1 mystery cross. They are all aprox. 4 to 5 months old varying only buy a few days to a few weeks apart. Ihave read so many articles and comments regarding what kind of feed to feed and the dangers of layer, calcium, protien, etc. on birds. my birds have been on purina flock raiser and recently a mix of chick feed and laying pellets. i am scared this is wrong. Can somebody please help me out on what to feed as of now and what to feed throughout their lives? Im so confused! Edit: No eggs as of yet but they have started singing their eggs song so i believe soon.