Best feed?

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I'm with you in regards to crumbles v pellets. I do use Dumore, but when I fed the crumbles, it just went all over the floor of the coop. I switched to the pellets, and now, there's virtually no more waste. Do you think, Toddrick, that it was the brand or flavor they didn't like with the Dumore?
My ducks do great on Dumore crumble.

If you're having problems with them throwing food all over the place, I'd start looking for ways you can improve your feeders -chickens kick and scratch through pretty much anything they can get their feet in. And will throw food around looking for the best morsels.

Most store bought feeders aren't designed to really reduce waste. My best luck has been with the PVC tube feeders where the bird has to put their whole head in the thing.
Nobody criticized how you feed your flock, or what your opinion was. 

What both Chris_09 and I commented on were areas where you were factually incorrect, and promoting misinformation that hurt people's animals. Silly old wives tales should be pointed out as such, as they are harmful. Tip-toeing around them instead of stomping them out just lends them credibility and leads to them continuing to be repeated over and over and over again.
OK, the original poster unknowingly got more than they bargained for, I'm sure.

Remember folks. You CANNOT right all wrongs, fix all mistakes, and straighten out all "facts", as you know them, on the internet. Won't ever happen and all you'll do in trying is end up sounding angry and mean spirited after 'while.

Because of the contentious nature of this thread, we'll just bring down the curtain here.

BYC Moderation Team
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