~~~Best Free Range Chicken Photo contest~~~ CLOSED!!!!!!!

Thanks chicken stalker ;p and Balfour Girl!
Here are some pics of mine out playing in their first snow - Jan. 19th, 2008.

Breed: Black Sex Link - Pullet - Likes to hang out in my back courtyard.


Assorted other pullets out playing in snow - Jan. 19, 2008


I call this one "Waiting for the Bus" - Looks like the roo is waiting to take his ladies for a bus ride - maybe to get away from the 12 other roos that freerange our farm.

RIR Roo and RIR and BR pullets. Taken a few months ago.

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Are you removing them from your camera and putting them on your hard drive? If so, try resizing them a bit smaller. Every once in a while I can't upload till I make them smaller. I use the Microsoft Office Picture Manager edit feature and the resize tool. I click on the custom width x height and type 800 in the width box. It automatically adjusts for the height. Save it as something other than the picture number that your camera assigns, and when you close the editor, don't save the changes. That way you don't lose the original picture. I hope that works, I'd love to see your chickens!
Ok thanks Balfour Girl!

I know theres fencing in the background but thats my neighbors fence which they don't care if the come over to visit or not. I live in a suburb.
Names from left to right: Krispy, Sandy, and Kernal
Age: Krispy and Kernal are about 9 months old. Sandy is no longer with us RIP Sandy.
Gender: 2 pullets and 1 cockral
Breed: White Leghorns

Heres Krispy and Sandy taking a snooze in the nice warm sun.

Kernal looking proud

And of course he has to patrol the my whole backyard! They all get to freerange.

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