Best hatchery for polish?


9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
Port Angeles
I'm thinking of buying some hatchery polish soon and I'm hoping for some advice or input on good and bad experiences. I was thinking of Farwest Hatchery because it is pretty close but I posted a thread about them here and nobody has responded, I'd rather go with someone that others have had good experiences with. I'm thinking of white crested black/blue, maybe some golden and buff.
I would look for a breeder, not a hatchery.

Look for a breeder who breeds for the APA standard for Polish - you will be much happier with the chicks and adults they grow into.

Might try posting in the Forum - Where am I? Where are you! (something like that
) and see if there are any Polish breeders in your state near you.
Honestly, it depends what you're looking for. Generally, all hatchery Polish will lay the same amount of eggs, start laying/breeding at the same time, will have similar coloring (for better or for worse), same temperments, similar type, etc. If you want pretty lawn birds, any hatchery will do.

For the sake of mentioning, most of my Polish yeild from Meyer hatchery and I happen to like them quite a bit. Mine seem to carry impressive sized crests and my Buff Laced has decent enough lacing for a hatchery bird. They were easy to work with too.
I have seen Cackle and theirs look really good. If you want to fine a breeder I have found it usually better to go under the gentic and show section of the forum and fine the breed thread of the breed I am looking for and pm breeders from that point, but if you wheither just order from a hatchery I highly reccomend cackle. They are not that high either they are very reasonable and have high qualty birds.
Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm not expecting to get too much as far as quality. I'm just antsy to get some and the hatcheries start shipping next month.

I'll probably keep the nicest of them and then check out some breeders this spring.

NEK38583 - Thanks for the tip about checking in the breed thread, I'll give that a shot.

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