Best Housing for Geese?

It was actually pretty easy. xD It started with them following me as I walked down to the far end of the run to gather and herd the ducks down into their coop. I would come around behind the ducks, lean over a little(because the mesh on top of the run is too low to stand up straight), and spread my arms out to the sides like geese do when they try to get the other birds' attention. My goosey boys were always right behind me, and started doing the same thing I did, and the 3 of us would run the ducks down the yard into their coop.

After only several days of doing this, as soon as the geese saw me start to head toward the ducks, they began to run ahead of me, wings spread, and rounded the ducks up. They brought them to me, where I would join them and help them run them in. I started attaching the phrase, "Time for night time!", to the behavior.

Now, all I have to do is go outside near their run and tell them, "Time for night time!", and they gather the ducks up and run them into the coop for me. If some ducks misbehave and sneak out before I get the door closed, the geese get upset and one stays in the coop blocking the others from leaving while the other goose gets the unruly individual and puts them in. The 2 geese never trade jobs doing this. Then, they wait at the door for me to pet and praise them before I close them in.

They never bully the ducks during this whole thing. In fact, they never even touch them. And, the ducks don't mind it at all. They love their geese, and are never scared. when we herd them. They even let me pet them too before closing the coop. I would imagine that you can do a similar thing with your geese and chickens!
My geese have not made any difference whatsoever in preventing hawk attacks.
Some geese will bully chickens or ducks in close quarters and ideally they shouldn't be closed up with them at night especially if its a small coop.

Geese can vary in temperament too. Don't get Africans or Chinese.
Get some Pilgrims, Sebastopols or American Buffs if you get some.
All ganders of any breed will be aggressive during the breeding season.
You might want to read my raising waterfowl tip page on my website.
Good Luck!
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thanks for the advice, I do appreciate it... however, I have read from many people on here now that the geese made a huge difference in the number of hawk attacks and also many people love their Chinese geese.... it's getting a little confusing, I have to admit... how could experiences be so hugely different?
In defense of Chinese geese...I think a lot of it has to do with how you raise them and interact with them. I spent a LOT of time with mine when they were babies, and I still spend time interacting with them every day. I was very careful to establish my dominance when they were young to avoid future aggression. I have always been very kind to them, and I observe their body language...but I also let them know in no uncertain terms when their behavior is unacceptable.

This is their first breeding season, they are a year old, and both are males. I have never yet been threatened by either one of them, even when I have to do things like physically stopping them from doing something they really want to do. lol

They don't act aggressively toward my ducks, either. The only time I separate them in the run is on certain days during this breeding season so the drakes can have a chance to mate with their girls. Otherwise, the ducks are constantly flirting with my geese. Go figure.

I know we all have different opinions and experiences with our poultry breeds...and it's good to hear different thoughts on them. I just want to share my positive experiences with my much loved white chinese geese.
I was reading on the Holderread site when shopping for ducks...they said that with geese, it is best to always act calmly around them and speak to them when you approach.

Apparently their trust must be hard fast established first or they can become aggressive.

Check their site out...he wrote storey's book on ducks and one on geese.
Another thing the Holderread site says is when picking geese go with whatever kind you are attracted to.
That was good advice for me, because up until that time I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out what kind would be best
Certainly there are good and bad in any breed but I like to be realistic and practical when helping people.
The ones I recommended are generally more calm and quiet and would be more suited for a novice goose owner.

As for the hawk thing I wouldn't get geese just because you think they will control your hawks because what if they don't? How do they "control" hawks anyway?
Hawks are so fast...I can't understand how a goose would make any difference.
I've seen Cooper Hawks swoop down to attack in the presence of humans and geese. I was throwing stones at one in a tree in my barnyard once and it just sat there.
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My White Chinese goose is the BEST protector of my Ducks. He herds them into their duck house at night, then hovers around the door, making sure that nothing comes close, until I come outside and tell him to 'go to bed' then he goes in the house, and I lock the door. Yes, he is kind of a jerk, and will bite me if I am not paying close attention to where he is in the pen, and he would happily eat my toddler, but he does a great job taking care of the ducks, and since the duck pen is adjacent to the chicken run, The chickens are by default, safe as well. He will chase the chickens if they get too close, or try to eat his food, and occasionally I have to go karate chop him off a chicken, but i do feel that he makes our birds all safer.

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