Best LARGE egg layers??


13 Years
Jan 24, 2007
I'd like to know what you think are some of the best chickens that lay large eggs are? And would rather they by brown eggs, and be pretty chickens--not something standard like RIR. (No offense to you RIR lovers, but those are what the folks always had, and I want something a bit more colorful and "exotic" if possible. I have 3 cucoo Marans that I love, and will try to get a couple more of them, but want some variety. any ideas on large brown egg layers?
Wyandottes,Delawares,Sussex,welsummer, Jersey Giant just to name a few.
My red & black sex-links lay the biggest brown eggs I've ever seen. It was a very tight squeeze to close a jumbo sized carton. But there was only one, that I know about, that was double yolked and they hatched just fine.
I'm waiting for my multitudes of pullet chicks to lay (which won't be until mid-August), but my Australorp hens lay very large eggs and lay quite well, considering they are all about 8 years old. ~ Oaknim
Thanks for all the replies. Seems like I should be able to pick some pretty ones from this, and have a fun, colorful flock.
I have, among my EE's and 3 Marans, 3 Black Sumatra young hens, and they are laying like the dickens, but small white eggs. No one seems interested in small white eggs.

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