Best layer has foot problems and bare skin with a sore.


8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
san jose

Man, my best layer, who is also a mean little bird, seems to be having issues. I knew she had a bare patch on her belly but figured it might be ok but now I see a white sore on it. Actually its more like a zit, its not wet flesh but definitely doesn't look good. And her foot looks bad now too. There's a bit of a cracked scaly growth and the toes look turned sideways. I could swear that it was fine just a couple of weeks ago. I did move her to a rabbit cage with actually metal wire recently. Before that she was in a rabbit cage with plastic grates. We are having mosquitoes around lately too, I hear they can infect quail.

Anything I can do to help her out? I don't want to euth our best breeder female.
I hear ya man, kinda stinks. I soak my bigger birds feet when I clean their pen, I can remove the wire bottom and give it a good rinse.
I put the birds in a rubbermaid tup with 2" pine shavings, then add warm water with epsom salts and leave them in there for 20-30 minutes, until their skin is pink again and any pooballs come right off.

then I put them on dry savings until dry, dip them in straight peroxide next, dry again and then I bluekote them liberally, let it dry before placing them back in the pen.

big birds are rough on their feet, any nicks or abrasion can transmit the fecal matter which usually harbors bacteria into their skin.
danger of the bigger birds... you are gonna find it on all poultry imho

if its a bacteria my thoughts on helping what I do, I clean my pens wire bottoms, spray anti-bacterial, anti-viral, bfrancis turned me onto oxine...

now for that particular bird, if your gonna try to save her, I would repeat the above, keep her on dry clean shavings in a rubbermaid, changed regularly and prolly start her on an antibiotic?

I would not do that for any old bird though.

also, def. disinfect your pens, whatever got her is creeping around, again, its found anywhere any poultry are found

Bumblefoot is a common infection for domesticated poultry and waterfowl such as chickens and ducks. Due to constant walking on hard, rough, or sharp surfaces, birds can develop small wounds on the bottom of their feet. These wounds are very susceptible to infection by Staphylococcus aureus, bacteria which can cause bumblefoot in poultry and waterfowl. Treatment often requires opening the wound to drain the pus and antibiotic treatment and local application of pyodine as local dressing.

good luck, do some more searches around byc, i'm sure someone smart has a thread going


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