Best location for feeder/waterer?


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2016
Almost finished with the whole set up and now down to the small details. Trying to decide where to put feeder waterer. My run isn't covered, don't plan on covering it (well we will with shade cloth but that won't provide protection from the rain). I live in Louisiana, super hot climate in the summer. Should I put feeder and waterer in the coop? Or should I try to find a weather protected option for out in the run? Or one in both spots? And if weather protected feeder, what are your favorite options. Attach pic of coop, feeder and waterer would go under poop board.
I have water and food both in my coop, run and water all around the yard too (We also have dogs and its mainly for them XD) But as long as the water isn't drippy ("Nipple" waterers tend to be drippier) it should be fine somewhere in the coop, though if your having quite a few birds many water options are always a good idea. :3
I have four so not too many. Will definitely provide water outside and possibly inside if I can find a waterer I'm happy with in there. Might look into diy feeders for the run that are weatherproof like the pvc that have little "awnings".... Thanks for the advice! These poor biddies are getting too big for their box.

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