Best meat breed for beginners?

Sunny Side Up

Count your many blessings...
11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Loxahatchee, Florida
A few of us more experienced processors are initiating a meat bird workshop for our local poultry club. We plan to get about 10 members to split an order of 100 chicks. Each person will raise their own 10 chicks, then when they're "ripe" we'll get together at one place to process. We may finish by doing them assembly-line, but everyone will get a chance to learn every step of the process.

I've never raised a quantity of Cornish Xs, instead all the birds I've raised for meat have been mixed-breed dual purpose cockerels. What kind of bird would you recommend for our project? Cornish X or some type of Free Ranger?
It won't make any difference to speak of, as far as the processing goes. Of course, Cornish X will be ready much more quickly. They will also "taste like chicken," or much like store bought, which might be what you will want for inexperienced folks. Dual purpose or even Freedom Rangers have an "old fashioned taste."

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I would suggest Cornish X. I think the end result will be much better, more meat for your time and effort. And I dont think they taste at all like store bought chicken if you raise them and let them run around and be chickens.
The group has decided on Cornish Xs from Schlecht Hatcheries, due to arrive by the end of the week! This will be a new experience for many in the group. I've processed a lot of chickens, but have never raised a batch of Cornish Xs for myself, so I will learn a lot by this experience.
I'm a few weeks behind you, Sunny Side Up. I hope you'll share your experiences of Cornish X vs DP, so I can duplicate your success!
Hi Carol!
I am so excited about the whole deal. It's going to be an experience. I looked into the freedom rangers and was thinking they might not be a bad choice for the next workshop in the fall

However, I'm sort of weird in the idea that dark chickens always seem to have darker pores.. Like somebody stabbed them with and ink pen..

So, I like the idea of white or light birds..
I plan on visiting Julie a lot for old fruit and veggies to give to them, plus they'll be in the chicken tractor. I'm thinking it will give them a better taste?
Coupled with them running around in fresh grass/weeds daily and fresh air and sun.. Might be good. I know all of your mixes we processed last year are free range.. The meat I got from you was the best I ever ate, and I think the 2 I got was a Barred cros and the other was a buff cross.. Not much breast meat, but delicious anyway

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