Best place to buy sexed chicks?


Jun 14, 2023
Hi! I was wondering where the best place to buy day old chicks is. I need them to be vaccinated for mareks, healthy, and sexed. Do you have any suggestions? We preferably want a turken or frizzle, but hatcheries that sell other chicks would be great too! šŸ˜
Try Hoovers hatchery, we bought 25 pullet last from them. They are now 7 weeks old and are definitely Pullets so I highly recommend them. Also all the chicks survived whereas witg other hatcheries there is always some dead. I hope this helps!
I would recommend Meyer Hatchery! When I have ordered pullets, they have always given me pullets! And the chicks have always come alive and healthy! Meyer also provides a cheap Marek's vaccine.
They have great customer service, and you can tell their employees want to work!
Hi! I was wondering where the best place to buy day old chicks is. I need them to be vaccinated for mareks, healthy, and sexed. Do you have any suggestions? We preferably want a turken or frizzle, but hatcheries that sell other chicks would be great too! šŸ˜
You could try McMurray, Ideal, Cackle, Welp, and other hatcheries.
I have personally ordered from each one I named, and each experience went well (most chicks arrived alive and healthy, most were sexed correctly, and the chicks had most of the traits that are correct for their breed.

You won't get perfection from anywhere, but in general I would expect at least 8 out of 10 chicks to be alive, healthy, correctly sexed, and correct in all major traits. This is a rough average over multiple orders and quite a few chicks. Individual batches could be better or worse, depending on the weather and the breed and the hatchery and what happened to their hatch that week. For "wrong traits," I have seen wrong foot color, wrong comb type, missing muff/beard on a breed that should have it, wrong egg color, things like that. "Not healthy" ranges from dead through weak/sickly to things like crossbeak or having an extra toenail or missing half a toe.

Regarding frizzles: due to how the gene works, only about half of chicks will actually be frizzles, and the other half will have normal feathers. There is no reasonable way for a hatchery to produce 100% frizzle chicks, and when they ship the chicks they can't tell which ones will be the frizzles and which will not. So if you want to have one that actually frizzles, plan on ordering several. You could keep the others as layers too, or rehome them, or eat them.
Hi! I was wondering where the best place to buy day old chicks is. I need them to be vaccinated for mareks, healthy, and sexed. Do you have any suggestions? We preferably want a turken or frizzle, but hatcheries that sell other chicks would be great too! šŸ˜
I see you have gotten many responses, I would look them over and pick the one with what you want that is closest to you. As shipping stress can be very hard on chick's, distance traveled can be a factor as well as weather. Good research and planning like you are doing will make for a much more enjoyable experience with shipping hatchlings. Good luck.

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