Best place to order Mareks vaccine?


7 Years
May 24, 2012
I'm going to need to do my own vaccinations of my chicks because no one in my area does them.

Where can I order a small amount of vaccine from? I also need the needle to do the shots and ANY advice on how to do it would be great.
I ordered mine from first state vet. the vaccine was 19 dollars but my state required it shipped in a special cooler and I think the cooler was around 15. it was shipped nicely with ice packs to keep it cool. you can also get the syringes from there. it came with the diluetant and everything I needed. also had clear instructions on administration. hope this helps. I really liked the way it was shipped. it never got warm and stayed cool the whole trip with special and many ice packs. follow the directions to a TEE. they are very clear
first you take the specified amount of diluetant and put it in the vaccine then mix then you draw up entire content of vaccine with a syringe and place in the diluetent then mix. then the vaccine is ready and MUST be used within one hour. to administer the vaccine you will pinch up the skin on the back of the neck and inject JUST UNDER THE SKIN not into the muscle and be careful not to let it go through the skin watch the needle making sure its just under the skin. when you insert the needle you can pull up a little and ensure your under the skin.then inject. its pretty easy once you do your first you will get the hang of it. I choose to use new needles on all my birds and to make it easier on yourself fill the syringes to exact amount ahead of time so all you have to is grab the syringe and give the injection. that's what I made it really easy because they were all measured and ready to go. but you can use one syringe if you like. just make sure to administer EXACT amount each time. its much easier than it sounds. also congradulations on deciding to give the vaccine. its really great! mareks is such a prolific and highly contagious disease that it makes good since to vaccinate. you will do just fine! I hope this helped in some small way. best wishes to you.
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Thank you thank you thank you!! Your post was very helpful, I appreciate you responding! I haven't searched for the website you're talking about yet, but I think I'll purchase from them based on what you've described.

Did you do an alcohol swab on the chicks first? Or is that unnecessary?
hi there I do usually use alcohol for my injections however for this one I'd say NO do NOT use the alcohol. I just didn't want anything interfering with the vaccine so this time I didn't use the alcohol. you will have the skin pinched up with your thumb and pointer finger to insure the injection is just under the skin and this time its not necessary to put the alcohol on the injection site. I think you will be very pleased ordering from First State Vet Supply! the care that's taken to ship this vaccine is wonderful. also the instructions were very easy to understand. I followed them to a TEE! my birds did very well and super singly didn't even flinch at the injection. they took it really well. they never had ANY I'll effects from this vaccine. after you give the injection a small raised spot might appear under the skin.this is normal. its the vaccine under the skin. it will soon disappear. when mixing follow the given instructions step by step and you will do just fine! I think you also will be very happy with the care given in shipping the will arrive nice and cold. the way its packaged no way for it to have gotten warm or spoiled during shipping! I wish you the best of luck and know you will do just fine! I think its wonderful your going to vaccinate for Mareks. once its done you will feel very good about having done this! and First State Vet will NOT disappoint you! They are a excellent company. Good luck and best wishes :) :):)

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