best quail for meat


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 31, 2011
im stuck between northern bobwhite quail and coturnix quail,not the jumbos just normal ones which would be better for eating or egg laying and which one is cheaper to care for compared to how much they will give in return i.e meat and eggs
Well, Coturnix are a lot easier to keep, not nearly the issues with agression or wild/flighty behavior. Also quick and easy to breed, mature much faster. The down side is that some people don't like the flavor of the meat, and I think almost everyone seems to think that bobwhites taste better overall. So, it's still kind of a split decision.

Maybe you could try some of each initially, and see which you prefer?
And have raised both. Bobs take longer to the plate and are white meat birds.
Coturnix grow to the plate in 6 weeks but are darker meat so its what you prefer actually.
I only raise bobs. To me the tender tasty white meat is unbeatable even though it takes a little longer to get it I also love to here them whistle

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